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Committees and Agendas

Committees and Agendas: Welcome

United Nations Human Rights Council


The United Nations Human rights Council is a inter-governmental body, whose main agenda is to promote and protect the human rights of the people around the world.


The council addresses situations of violation of Human Rights. The UNHRC was established by the UN General Assembly on 15 March, 2006 and its first session was held from 19th to 30th June 2006.


AGENDA: Deliberation on the rights of refugee women during the Covid 19 pandemic

Special Political and Decolonization Committee

The Special Political and Decolonization Committee is the fourth committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The delegates will discuss many issues as territorial disputes, uses of outer space while keeping in check with the rule of law.

It was founded in 1993 with the objective that it would cover all the agendas that the UNGA First Committee DISEC (Disarmament and International Security Commitee) could not cover in their mandate.

Here at Delegare, we will be simulating the committee by limiting the focus to only one area.


AGENDA: Discussion on the effects of militarization and colonization of space


Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice was introduced from the Economic and Social Council and acts as a policy-builder for the United Nations in the specific fields of Law and Crime.

At Delegare, we will be focusing on the full working scheme of the committee by letting the delegates think on the spot.


AGENDA: Question of using Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice Systems

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in 1949 between 30 countries as a intergovernmental military alliance.

The main purpose of NATO is to safeguard the members of the alliance by military and diplomatic means.

NATO would be an unconventional committee in a MUN but provides to be a very resourceful experience.


AGENDA: : Discussion upon the rising military influence of the Russian Federation in the Central African Republic (CAR) with special emphasis upon the development of the country in accordance to the Agenda 2030.


World Health Organization

World Health Organization, is a UN Agency, established on 7th April 1948. It was created to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable. It aims to achieve Universal Health Converage, and protect more people from health emergencies. It is an advisory body, and in these times of the pandemic it plays an important role in keep the citizens of this world safe, especially the most vulnerable.


AGENDA: Deliberation on the Increase in use of technology in healthcare with special emphasis on side effects and improvement analysis.

International Press

International Press is a global network of journalists, and editors. They represent their NEWS who together promote quality and independent journalism.

They work towards conducting direct advocacy with the governments and UN agencies, raising awareness about the current world affairs, bring the voice of the public to the attention of the proper officials and they create provisions for the public to know about the decisions of the government and other Non-governmental organizations.

It is the International Press's duty to attain correct information from officials and also present it to the public correctly. The international press bridges the gap between the government and the people, and will continue to do so.

Committees and Agendas: List
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